There are two places I am looking
forward to the most this trip. I know we had talked about not all writing about the Hagia Sophia, but it is genuinely what I am looking forward to the most and the reason I wanted to go on this trip. The first is the reason I was initially
interested in Istanbul in the first place – the Hagia Sophia. I took art
history my senior year of high school, and we were learning about the Hagia Sophia
around the same time as Fellows Weekend when they introduced the idea of this
trip. The Hagia Sophia had originally been built as a church during the Byzantine
period, but then was converted into a Mosque when the Ottoman Empire conquered
Constantinople in 1453.
The Sultans that ruled in the years that followed added
on to the newly declared mosque, adding minarets and geometric designs. The
Hagia Sophia was then converted into a Museum in 1935. In my Art History class
the Hagia Sophia had been one of the buildings we discussed the most, so I had
learned a lot about it. I got really excited that we would be going somewhere
where I would be able to visit a beautiful architectural structure that I
actually knew about. Now I can’t wait to see it in person!

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